How Do I Get People to Read My Stuff?

Season #1 Episode #6

When you sit down to write, do you envision your reader? If you close your eyes, can you see their face or know their concerns? If so, you’re off to a great start when it comes to getting other people to read your words! The writer’s work is to connect the words you have to share with the reader you have to serve, and there’s not just one way to do it.


In this episode, host Clarissa Moll talks about how to shape your words to reach your reader, how to welcome them into your story, how to help them feel heard and known. She shares a three-step process to help you roll out the welcome mat and make your reader feel at home. Special guest author and peacemaker Osheta Moore discusses how authenticity builds community and how community keeps our writing life fresh and relevant.


The Writerly Life is a production of hope*writers.

Written and compiled by Clarissa Moll

Edited and mixed by Tyler Anderson

Music by Karla Colahan


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