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A four-week Summer Intensive for writers with Emily P. Freeman

āœ“ Finally uncover your truest voice

āœ“ Connect with more of your ideal readers

āœ“ Build an authentic writing career that lasts

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A four-week Summer Intensive for Writers with Emily P. Freeman

āœ“ Finally uncover your truest voice

āœ“ Connect with more of your ideal readers

āœ“ Build an authentic writing career that lasts

Sign me up!


  • Feeling pressure to post on social media 10 times a day?
  • Watching other writers effortlessly share their work while you aimlessly scroll and sporadically post?
  • Publishers passing on your book because your platform is too small?
  • The creative confusion that comes from both wanting to share your words and feeling like you also want to quit writing forever?

If you want your work to be irresistible to a publisher, you need to learn the business of growing your platform. And, if you want to do your good work for the long-haul, you need to learn the art of growing with wisdom, gumption, and heart.

Growing your platform without losing your soul means:


You don’t have to get on your own nerves to find readers. When you present your authentic self, you build trust the healthy way — not with quick fixes and half solutions.


You are the writer people are glad to see in their inbox and social feeds. They love your words, and they want what you’re offering too.


You finally have a sustainable work/life rhythm because you understand the four-part SOUL framework for growth.

Thatā€™s what I want. Sign me up!

You’re not alone.

As a co-founder of hope*writers, I see it all the time. Talented writers with powerful messages turn into a weird and twisty version of themselves when trying to build their email lists, post on social media, or talk about their work.

I know how it feels to be alive with ideas and creative energy only to want to quit when it’s time to share those ideas with an audience. After publishing five books, hosting a nationally-ranked podcast with over 17 million downloads, co-running hope*writers for nearly seven years, and even hitting several bestseller lists, I understand the exhaustion that comes from creating, editing, sharing, and promoting your work.

After years of trial and error, I’ve learned the secret to influencing readers isn’t carefully curated photos or participating in all the social media challenges. It’s trust. To build trust with your readers, you have to show up as yourself — your authentic, honest, soulful self.

Before you let the frustration of promoting your work push you to the point of giving up on writing, I hope you’ll remember why you started in the first place. 

Join my Summer Intensive and learn the four-step SOUL framework for growing your platform in a healthy and sustainable way.

This four-week Summer Intensive is right for you if you are:

  • A beginning writer who wants to write a book one day, but you don’t know what to do today to get started.

  • An experienced writer with a strong idea and compelling writing, but agents or editors tell you that you need to grow your platform before they can consider publishing your work. You’re ready to give up and go buy a food truck because the internet is the worst, and you’re tired.

  • An author who has either self-published or traditionally published, but your book didn’t sell the way you had hoped. You’re desperate for fresh eyes and a renewed perspective on finding readers who want to read what you have to say.

What writers say about the training they get at hope*writers:

“Because of hope*writers, I am now taking myself seriously as a writer, have started a blog, and am investing in my future as a professional writer.” 

– Emily Boulter, hope*writers member

“Endorsements are finalized, and my book is at the printer. Pre-order is open at all the major booksellers, and I’m starting to do the fun marketing and publicity work. Over the last 18 months, hope*writers has helped me meet other writers who wanted to ‘go pro’ too, connect with a writing coach to level up my work, ask questions and get concise, relevant answers, and affirm the value of building a bench not a platform. Your commitment to the task and your belief in your work will be rewarded!” 

— Clarissa Moll, hope*writers member and author of Beyond the Darkness

“I joined hope*writers four years ago with a decades-old dream to write a book. I had no writing experience, and this seemed like a safe place to learn. Who knew a podcast was in my future, but here I am, ready to launch The Midlife Momma Podcast as one more tool to build my platform. I’m thankful for the real-life connections I’ve made in hope*writers and the grace to slowly learn and grow! I’m forever grateful for this community!”

– Pamela Henkelman, hope*writers member and host of The Midlife Momma Podcast

This brand-new, four-week Summer Intensive includes:


  • Live Training with Emily: Four live, one-hour weekly group calls with your fellow soulful platform builders led by Wall Street Journal bestselling author and co-founder of hope*writers, Emily P. Freeman.

  • The Email Growth Course: Complete access to this self-paced course that will help you either start your email list or grow an existing one. This online course includes video training to guide you through the email growth process, a step-by-step tech tutorial, and six downloadable checklists and templates.
  • Exclusive Private Facebook Community: We’ll have a Facebook group just for us. Here’s where you’ll get to know your fellow soulful platform builders and encourage each other in your work. Emily will be an active participant with you in this group!
Sign me up!



One-on-One Coaching:
For a limited time, when you sign up for the Summer Intensive, you will receive one coaching call credit for a 50-minute session with a hope*writers Certified Coach. (Your session must be redeemed by July 31, 2022.) This will give you the chance to talk through your own writing and growth goals and get individualized clarity. We have limited spots, so act now! 


Co-Founder Q&A:
 You’ll also be invited to attend a live group coaching Q&A session with Emily and hope*writers co-founders Brian Dixon and Gary Morland. The co-founders rarely host Q&As, so this is a session you don’t want to miss.


One-time payment




1. Sign up today.

Save your seat for the Summer Intensive, and receive instant access to The Email Growth Course so you can go through the email training at your own pace in advance of our live teaching. 

2. Live instruction with Emily begins in July! 

Beginning Thursday, July 7th, we’ll start our four-week live training, where Emily will teach you her four-part SOUL framework for growing your platform like a human person. We’ll also have a few surprise guests join us along the way. Stay tuned! 

3. Finally connect with the right readers your way.

At the end of our time together, you’ll have the framework to grow your platform in a healthy way, the confidence to authentically serve your reader, and the focus you’ve craved. You’ll be ready to do this writing work for the long-haul. 

Grow your platform with SOUL.


I can’t wait to link arms with you this summer and share everything I know about growing a platform without losing your soul. This intensive is not a quick fix because quick fixes and fast solutions are not the language your soul wants to speak. Instead, our time together will be built around my four-part framework for building a platform that anyone can learn — as long as you’re willing to do the work. 


Iā€™m ready to do this together. Sign me up!


By the end of our Summer Intensive, you’ll have:

  • Your most frustrating platform questions answered.
  • A solid understanding of the SOUL framework that gives you a repeatable and dependable path for platform growth.
  • Connections with other writers and potential collaborators who want to do work in the way you want to do it.
  • A plan to avoid burnout by building in Sacred Pauses.
  • Bonus email templates that you can keep and use forever.

You’ll be challenged, you’ll be encouraged, but most of all, you’ll grow personally and professionally. If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and finally make the kind of progress that leads to lasting change, I hope you’ll join us!