4 Partnerships You Need To Successfully Self-Publish

There are numerous reasons that writers choose to self-publish, but one of the most common is the ability to control the process from start to finish. This can feel either liberating or daunting, depending on your perspective. Self-publishing may seem like a one-person endeavor, but much like in traditional publishing, it still requires a team of people to help you publish the best book possible.

Becky Kiser, an author of both self-published and traditionally published books, says, “Sometimes we limit our ability to work together because we’re afraid that it will limit our own success.” As a self-published author, she believes the opposite is true. Becky partners with a team of people to create the best book possible, which has only increased her success. 

At hope*writers, we believe partnering with other publishing professionals doesn’t limit authors; it creates possibilities. The following four partnerships are critical to a self-published...

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The Next Writing Relationship You Need

support writing coach Feb 14, 2022

All writers need a supportive community, but sometimes it can be tricky to know what kind of help you need. If you feel frustrated, stuck, or unsure of your next steps, a writing coach may be the next person to add to your team. 

It’s easy to confuse a writing coach with other support roles a writer needs, such as an editor, teacher, or critique partner. Let’s explore how coaching differs from other writing relationships and why a coach is the next writing relationship you need to make real progress. 


A coach is not an editor.

An editor is focused on the work you produce. They offer in-depth feedback on your writing, and then you make changes based on their suggestions. An editor will help shape your article or book into a stronger piece, but they won’t help you overcome the hurdles associated with writing it.

On the other hand, a coach is focused on you, the writer. They will help you identify and overcome writing hurdles, offer strategies for...

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How To Choose the Right Coach For You

writing coach Jan 03, 2022

Hope*writers is thrilled to announce that we now have a team of certified coaches ready to help you make progress in your writing. Click here to learn more and choose your coach today.


Whether you’re planning a new writing project, stuck in the middle of one, or wondering where to begin, a writing coach can be an invaluable resource to help you clarify your goals and create a plan. 

If you’d like to hire a writing coach but you’re not sure where to start, these three simple questions can help you decide.


What are your needs?

First, determine what area of writing you want to work on with a coach. Do you need help with a particular project, writer’s block, accountability, or goal setting? When you decide on your broader goal, a coach can help you develop the smaller steps you need to take to get there. 

It’s also important to find a coach who works specifically in your genre. If you’re writing a novel, your coach should...

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Why It's Never Too Soon To Hire a Writing Coach

writing coach Dec 20, 2021

Have you ever felt stuck when it comes to your writing? From beginner to expert, every writer has experienced frustration with a project or their progress at some point. If you’re struggling to identify your next step as a writer or having trouble staying on track with projects, hiring a writing coach may be the right thing for you.

It’s never too soon to hire a writing coach, especially if you’re at the beginning stages of your writing career. As new writers, we tend to make excuses that stunt our growth before we even get started.  When we tell ourselves we need to be a better writer or be ready to publish a book before hiring a coach, we disqualify ourselves from receiving the guidance we need to keep moving forward on our writing goals. 

These myths about readiness are the reason so many writers struggle to make progress. The sooner you take your work seriously, the sooner you’ll begin to take the necessary steps to meet your goals. Hiring a...

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4 People Every Working Writer Needs In Their Corner

Writing may seem like a solitary profession, but all writers need a supportive community to help them accomplish their goals and flourish in their craft. Established writers often work with a literary agent, multiple editors, a marketing strategist, and numerous other people before they see their work in print. 

But, what if we’re writers who are still building our body of work and our writing career? Who should we look to for encouragement and support? What type of people do we need in our corner to help us improve our craft, reach our goals, and keep writing, even when the writing gets tough?

Read on to find out!


A Friend 

Every writer needs a friend who is a fellow writer. Family and non-writerly friends can lend support and listen to our concerns, but no one understands the writing life better than someone else immersed in the world of writing and publishing.

A fellow writing friend is a resonator. They resonate with our frustrations, our questions, and...

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One Way to Generate Consistent Income as a Working Writer

writing coach Aug 04, 2021

Do you want to become a working writer with a steady income? 

You could rely on your writing skills and focus on producing more articles, more blog posts, or more books. But, publication isn’t the only income option available. Many writers find that creating multiple streams of income without relying solely on content production is a healthy and viable way to make a living as a writer.  

If you’re looking for a new way to use your writing skills and generate more consistent income, becoming a certified writing coach may be the right path for you. A writing coach is someone who mentors other writers in various aspects of the writing life. As a writing coach, you have the opportunity to draw on your writing skills, your experience, and your expertise to help writers a few steps behind you enter the writing world with confidence.

Perhaps your strength is the craft of writing, pitching articles, editing, book proposal development, or self-publishing. Maybe you...

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